Châteauguay LachineSt-Eustache


"Our requests were well made and the delivery people excellent"

by Lynn - June 2024    Domon Châteauguay 

"Outstanding service from Christ. Thanks"

by S. - June 2024     Domon Châteauguay

"Très bien !! Excellent travail"

by Lyes - June 2024     Domon Lachine

"The delivery people were impeccable and Yves was a good salesman!"

by Arina - June 2024     Domon Lachine

"Seller and delivery with courteous people. Explanations and good furniture warranty. Thanks for your interest."

by Monique - June 2024    Domon St-Eustache

“We purchased our washer, dryer and fridge 1 year ago and we are still very satisfied. We generally don't like the sales approach, but our experience was superb from start to finish at Domon St-Eustache as well as after delivery when we had a problem. If we had to buy other furniture, our choice would go to this branch. We hope that the service will be as impeccable if another problem arises with our items."

by Stéphanie - June 2024  Domon St-Eustache


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